Authorities expect 19b kyats to use for compensation in Mudon International Airport Project


Hsu / Myo Gyi (NP News) – Nov 2

Authorities have submitted a budget proposal of 19b kyats to the Union Budget to offer compensation to the local residents from where #Mudon_International Airport will be constructed.

The airport project will be formulating led by the State Administration Council, Aung Kyi Thein, spokesperson of Mon State’s ministry of natural resources told NP News.

“The airport project will be implemented; that’s for sure. The project will be formulated by local developers under the government monitoring. However, tenders will be invited for some outsourcing works as part of the project,” he said.

The Mudon International Airport will be constructed in Mon State near Kawparan village.

“We requested kyat 19b++ in the Revised Estimate supplementary budget from the Union Budget. It is only for compensation to whom living in the Airport project area. As soon as we received the budget, we will provide compensation; then the project will be commenced,” Aung Kyi Thein continued.

A total of 3447.42 acres of land is projected to be used for airfield and terminal, according to the Mon State government.

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