Russian ministers achieve Myanmar’s top honorary titles


Tun MT (NP News) - Nov 20

Four foreign persons, unusually, were involved in the list of the State Administration Council’s issuance of conferring honorary titles and medals as a mark of 102nd National Day of the country that was fallen on 17 November.

The State Administration Council (SAC) of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar issued an Order No. 215/2022 on 19 November, in which, the Minister of Defence of Russian Federation, H.E Army General Sergey Kuzhugetovich #Shoigu was conferred the ‘#Sithu_Title’.

‘Sithu Title’ is the fifth highest honorary label of the country’s ‘Order of the Union of Myanmar, known as ‘Pyidaungsu Sithu Thingaha’. The title was established on 2 September 1948 after the country attained her full sovereignty on 4 January 1948.

Again, the Deputy Minister of Defence of Russian Federation Colonel General Alexander Vasilyevich #Fomin was conferred the ‘#Thiri_Pyanchi_Title’. The title was also established on 2 September 1948. It involves too in the top royal and honorary award of the country.

Another foreign ‘Thiri Pyanchi’ winner on 19 November 2022 was H.E. Mr. #Hideo_Watanabe, Chairman of Japan-Myanmar Association.

Third Russian who was conferred the country’s national honorary award was Mr. Alexander Vladimirovich #OSTROVSKY from Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (#FSMTC) of Russian Federation. He won the ‘First Class Medal of the Excellent Performance in Administrative Field’

The awards for the Excellent Performance in Administrative Field was established in 2014 by the Office of the President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to award the individuals who have made outstanding contributions to build the nation.

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