Arakan National Party (ANP) submits registration to run for regional level


Hsu / Myo Gyi (NP News) – Mar 20

One of the renowned #Rakhine_political_parties, the Arakan National Party (#ANP), has submitted the application for renewal of the political party status at the Union Election Commission (UEC), according to the Chairperson Thar Tun Hla.

For the time being, almost 30 political parties have applied for party registrations at the UEC. On the other hand, closing date for political parties registration is approaching as time flies.

The ANP aims to serve for the people in Rakhine State promoting nationalism in the aspects of politics. The ANP Chairman Thar Tun Hla said that “We assume that we still need to conduct political dialogues and negotiations for our people. Therefore, we must have or sustain a political platform for upcoming political landscape.”

“We take that we have to continue communicate with other political forces of the national brethren so as to build the genuine federal Union. Therefore, we believe that we need a political party which can truly represent and make voices for Rakhine people.” he continued.

The ANP confirmed that it will conduct necessary preparations to submit the party registration at the UEC in the upcoming weekdays.

Other Rakhine ethnic party, the Arakan Front Party (AFP) which is led by a renowned Rakhine politician Dr. Aye Maung, has applied for the party registration at the UEC to run for the election at the regional level.

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