Tatmadaw aerial bombardment hit PDF terrorists’ armoury occurring mass explosion in Kanbalu, Sagaing


NP News – April 11

A huge explosion occurred in Bazigyi Village located in Kanbalu, Sagaing Region this morning (April 11) killing many numbers of PDF terrorists either in insurgent uniforms or in civilian clothes. The disaster was resulted as the air bombing by the State troops hit the PDF terrorists’ armoury during the operation.
With regard to the incident, the West imperialist propagandist media reported disinformation that the Tatmadaw conducted air raid on the civilian villages in which villagers were killed.

Spokesperson of the State Administration Council (SAC), Major General Zaw Min Tun, clarified the incident to the media this evening.

“The NUG/PDF held an opening ceremony of office this morning at 8 am. We (the Military) conducted an operation. We receive information that there were fatalities of the PDF terrorists in the incident. The PDF terrorists wore both their uniforms and civilian clothes in the incident,” Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun said.

It is the usual way that the PDF terrorists are wearing both their uniforms and civilian clothes so that they can claim that they are the civilians when they suffer defeat.

Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun continued that “As per the ground information, the disaster went through not only by the aerial operation of the Military. But also there were mines that the PDF terrorists showed off at the event. In addition, there was an armoury where ammunitions, bombs, mines and weapons that the PDF terrorists are using at the site. Since the artillery hit the armoury directly and explosion occurred.”

In March, the PDF terrorists killed the village administrator of Bazigyi Village and the villagers were threatened to join the PDF; if not the whole village would be set fire.

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