PDF terrorists drop drone bomb on school injuring a student in Tabayin (Depayin)


NP News – Aug 23

It is reported that the PDF terrorists under the exiled NUG command dropped the drone bombs on the high school where 343 students were attending in Tabayin township in Sagaing region; one student was wounded in the attack.

The incident broke out on August 20 at an estimated 3:30 pm at a high school located in Myoma ward, Tabayin township, according to the statement released by Myanmar Police Force.

Due to the explosion, a 15-year-old student attending at Grade-10 namely Aye Min Khant Kyaw was injured by blasted particles at his forehead.

A total of 36 schoolteachers and 343 students in both genders were at the school when it was attacked.

Myanmar Police Forces announced that the security forces are investigating the incident to seize the committed PDF terrorists.

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