Myanmar invites China for collaboration in research work on peaceful use of nuclear techs


Khit / Yoon (NP News) - Sep 18

The Deputy Minister for Science and Technology invited experts from the People’s Republic of China to collaborate in the research works on peaceful use of the nuclear technology.

Deputy Minister Aung Zeya made the invitation in his speech during the 2nd China-ASEAN Forum for Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technology held in Nanning, China on September 16.

As per reports, the Ministry will carry out promoting the MSMEs in agricultural sector to raise the people’s socio-economic life in accordance with the state’s roadmap.

Accordingly, the Deputy Minister invited for collaboration of research works on the peaceful uses of nuclear technology for the development of the MSME sector.

In addition, Myanmar is conducting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, promotion of safety and remoting measures under the international collaboration.

In addition, Myanmar promised signed the contract of South-East Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone Treaty.

Therefore, according to those commitments, Myanmar is a member of the ASEAN Atomic Energy Monitoring Organizations Network (ASEANTOM) and is also participating in ASEANTOM-IAEA's nuclear safety and radiation emergency preparations and response project, the Deputy Minister informed.

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