3 detained suspects by Kokang autonomous area extradited to China's Yunnan authorities


Hsu/ Kyaw (NPNews) - Nov 17

The State Administration Council announced that the Myanmar Police Force has extradited the detained suspects, wanted by the Kokang Self-Administered Zone Court, to their Chinese counterparts at the Yanlongkeng checkpoint along the Myanmar-China border on November 16th.

The Kokang Self-Administered Zone Court has issued warrants for the arrest of Ming Xuechang, Ming Guoping (aka Ming Xiaoping), Ming Julan, and Ming Zhenzhen and they were finally arrested in Laukkai township.

According to the State Administration Council's news release, Ming Xuechang fatally shot himself with an illegally possessed pistol during an attempt to arrest him and he died from that wound during the treatment process.

To initiate legal proceedings against the three arrested suspects, personnel from the Myanmar Police Force transferred custody of the individuals to their Chinese counterparts at the Yanlongkeng checkpoint along the Myanmar-China border on November 16th.

Ming Xuechang's body was not repatriated to China; however, essential verifications on the deceased were carried out.

To combat the organized crimes such as online fraud, seduction, abduction, illegal detention, and extortion within administrative processes, the Kokang Self-Administered Zone of Shan State issued arrest warrants for those four individuals on November 15th.

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