Military personnel with minor criminal records granted amnesty on National Day


Hsu/ Myo Gyi (NP News) – Dec 8

The State Administration Council granted pardons on the military personnel who are currently serving sentences for minor crime but who want to serve for the military on the National Day that was fallen on 7 December by signing a parole agreement, according to Major General Zaw Min Tun.

Major General Zaw Min Tun stated, "As I mentioned earlier, the order specifies that the military personnel who are serving the prison terms for minor cases, except those who committed ten serious criminal offences, can be pardoned by signing a parole agreement if they voluntarily express a desire to rejoin the military. However, I don't have the exact number."

On December 3rd, the SAC announced that military detainees who did not commit serious crimes would be pardoned from their sentences upon voluntary registration to serve in the military.

The SAC stated that the servicemen granted a remission of their sentences were those who voluntarily registered to serve the country in response to recent situations and crises before the issuance of the order.

Major General Zaw Min Tun stated, "They are primarily individuals who voluntarily registered for military service for the country. They had registered the list even before the order was issued. Additionally, those soldiers exhibit a strong sense of comrade spirit."

The SAC stated that in recent days, thousands of veterans and military deserters have expressed their willingness to rejoin military service.

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