Civilian casualties with 3 killed; 8 wounded in explosions near Myitkyina Air Base


Khit/Pearl (NP News) - May 20
At least three were killed and eight others injured in the explosions of the unguided, rocket-propelled projectiles that were landed near Myikyina Air Base in Kachin State, Myitkyina residents told NP News.
The incident took place on 18 May at an estimated 8 am as the KIA and PDF terrorists launched the projectiles.
The rocket-propelled projectiles landed in Pammatee Ward 4 and 5 located near the Myikyina Air Base and exploded within civilian houses.
“They aimed at the Air Base. There are residential wards near the Air Base. Unfortunately, one of the missiles dropped into the No.4 ward and another one dropped into No.5. In the incident, three civilians died and eight others were injured. About three or four houses were destroyed,” a resident told NP News.
In addition, the security forces were raided by KIA armed troops in Winmaw Township, Myintkyina District on 18 May at an estimated 4 am. Therefore, the clashes occurred.
There was also an incident in which intense clashes occurred between Tatmadaw and KIA jointly with PDF terrorists near Balaminhtin bridge on 9 May.