NSPNC, NCA-signatory EAOs plan to meet in mid-October


Hsu/ Munich (NP News) - Sep 11

It is reported that the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) and the ethnic armed organizations that are signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) are expected to meet again for discussions in mid-October.

The 9th anniversary ceremony of the signing of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement is scheduled to be held in Naypyidaw on October 15.

“We have another meeting coming up in October. However, it’s not anything special. October 15 marks the 9th anniversary of the NCA signing. In conjunction with attending the 9th anniversary ceremony, there are discussions planned to move things forward. That’s why an understanding has been reached to meet again at that time, specifically with the NSPNC,” said Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt, spokesperson of the KNU/KNLA(PC) in an interview with The NP News.

In recent days, some ethnic armed organizations that are signatories to the NCA, representatives of the NSPNC and political parties held trilateral discussions in Naypyidaw.

"We believe that transitioning our country to a democratic federal system through peaceful and political means is essential. Armed conflict would be devastating and costly, as we have already witnessed immense losses. That's why we are engaging with political parties to find a political solution that reduces suffering and minimizes further loss for our people. On this front, we believe that the SAC has also come to an understanding, allowing space for discussions and efforts to resolve political issues through political means,” said the leader of Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) Colonel Khun Okkar, to The NP News.

The NSPNC and the NCA-signatory groups such as RCSS, KNU/KNLA-PC, ALP, DKBA, LDU, NMSP, and PNLO have frequently held discussions in the past.

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