Census enumerators face growing terrorists’ threats amidst ongoing nationwide count


Khit/Thant Zin (NP News) - Oct 12

According to the information obtained NP News, at least 13 enumerators were arrested or killed by terrorists during 10 days of enumerating the nationwide census.

The State Administration Council (SAC) is conducting the nationwide census, in which, a total of over 100,000 census tracts were planned for enumeration. The nationwide census is being taken from 1 to 15 October. Reports stated that a total of more than 40,000 enumerators are involved in the process.

In the ongoing census-collecting activities, education personnel, primarily teachers, are being widely deployed to gather census data. Unfortunately, reports indicate that up to now, 10 education staff and three rural administrative officials have been captured by armed groups, known as PDFs.

On October 6th, in Launglon Township, Taninthayi Region, six education staff returning home from census-collecting activities in Dawei Township and a village administrative office secretary were abducted by a PDF group while they were at their homes.

Just a few days later, on October 9th, another group of four education staff and one village administrator were forcibly abducted by the PDF while conducting census activities in Thayetchaung Township.

"Basically, it’s related to how strong the village and ward administration is. If security is provided from rural areas, no matter how much these people are threatened, they would still go to collect the census. The problem is the lack of security. We hear reports of such abductions. Even though these people aren't our family members, they are part of our education family. So, we want them to have full security. When we ourselves go, some people are hesitant to respond due to threats. Another issue is the difficulty in transportation and access, which discourages some from continuing. For them, it’s even worse. How can they confidently do their job?” said an education staff member participating in the census-collecting activities to The Statesman Journal.

A female teacher in Yangon Region expressed deep concerns about the safety risks faced by teachers involved in the census-collecting process, particularly in certain areas.

According to U Hla Htay, Deputy Chairman of the People's Party in Yangon Region, the abductions of education personnel by local PDF armed groups are a direct result of the government's failure to provide adequate security for these census enumerators.

It's difficult to say about the rural areas. In areas where the current government's administrative machinery is absent, there's a possibility that further abductions could occur. We can't really predict it because without the government's administrative control, there's no guarantee of security in those areas. And when there's no security, anything can happen. That's something we have to consider," U Hla Htay assessed.

On October 4th, in Tedim Township, Chin State, U Kam Lyan Thang, a 65-year-old member of the Township Administrative Group and a relative of the Chin State Chief Minister, was forcibly abducted by the PDF while conducting census activities in Lamzan Village.

On October 1st, in Saytutayar Township, Magway Region, the People's Defense Force (PDF) forcibly abducted and brutally murdered a village group administrator from Nankyuu Village, who was assisting with the census.

On October 7th, in Letpinkan Village, Natmauk Township, Magway Region, a female census enumerator was brutally shot down by a PDF armed group.

Reports indicate that PDF armed groups not only target census enumerators but also ruthlessly attack security personnel tasked with protecting them.

In a recent incident on October 4th, PDF armed groups used drones to drop bombs on five security outposts in Pulaw Township that were providing protection for census teams.

On October 8th, in Monywa, Sagaing Region, a PDF group planted landmines and launched an ambush on a census-collecting team, resulting in the deaths of two police officers and injuries to others.

Additionally, on October 4, in Shwetaung Township, Bago Region, PDF forces planted mines and attacked administrators and security forces returning from census-collecting activities.

While the current SAC continues to conduct the census, social media platforms are filled with misinformation and incitement to disrupt or sabotage the process, including encouraging people to provide false information.

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