A smokescreen muddled up by Western hands in northern Shan State


Tun Mon Thet (NP News) - Oct 15
Edward Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud, was an expert in behavioural psychology. He used to frame some of the foremost plots of the United States Central Intelligence Agency to reshape the structure of regimes in their adversaries by molding the collective psychology of the target country’s population, especially average and non-selective groups of people from different walks of life across the country.
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of," an extract from his book said.
Dating back to October 2023, the bloodthirsty Operation 1027 was launched in northern Shan State by vicious, racist, and ethnocentric Kokang and Ta’ang armed terrorist groups – the MNDAA and TNLA respectively – while Myanmar’s central government was sandwiched between political and military crises.
Since the information war is one of the tactics in psychological warfare unilaterally conducted by the United States and its allies to preserve the Western hegemony, many conspiracy theories that depict China’s involvement in Myanmar conflicts were deliberately produced in nonsense and stupid ways through the internet pages of imperialist news outlets and the ISP-Myanmar – the pro-west think tank group.
Without being acknowledged by the ordinary population in Myanmar, the information hegemony and soft power instrument waged by the U.S. precast the mass society by molding the perception of Chinese involvement and disguising the northern Shan State conflict as being directed by the Chinese mastermind. In this way, the U.S.-manipulated propaganda functioned to contaminate the peaceful coexistence of Myanmar and China's people-to-people ties.
Under threats by the stunning and sophisticated expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in many parts of the globe, the deep state’s mechanism does not spare Myanmar, the country with a geo-political strategic position in the coastal line of Southeast Asia to the Indian Ocean.
Illustration 1 is one of the very foremost psychological coercions imposed by the ISP-Myanmar in mid-2023, before Operation 1027, as the pre-initiated soft power propaganda which imported the idea of happening the armed clashes along the BRI route in Myanmar and territories near the Chinese projects to develop the smokescreen of Chinese manipulations in Myanmar’s internal affairs, and flamed anti-China sentiment.
What is more, the MNDAA, TNLA, and PDF terrorists usually launched military offenses in the territories located along the CNPC pipeline project or the BRI route in central Myanmar and northern Shan State after every visit of the Chinese special envoy to Myanmar Deng Xijun to Naypyidaw to facilitate to resolve the conflicts in the Myanmar side with the China border.
Such a time bomb-like military offenses was not a co-incidence nor directed by China but was designed to fire as a playbook to fuel the anti-China sentiment in Myanmar to dismantle the status quo of Myanmar-China relations. The later part of this editorial will explain about the connection between the MNDAA, TNLA, PDF, and the U.S. bloc.
However, after the historic visit of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Naypyidaw in August 2024, the most savage military conflicts ever seen in Myanmar just crossed a turning point and overcame the sadistic threshold of intending to utterly devastate the country by the puppets nurtured by the United States and the West bloc.
Inversely, the unbreakable Pauk-Phaw tie which has been rooted between Myanmar and China since 75 years ago flames the global hypocrites and makes them suffer from irritating to see their own failure of mission in igniting Myanmar with an anti-China campaign.
Are rebels in northern Myanmar colluding with the U.S.?
Recently, the meeting minute of the informal talk between Deng Xijun and leaders of the United Wa State Army (UWSA) in late August was leaked.
According to the leaked information, the UWSA is believed to support the MNDAA, TNLA, PDF, and KNDF (the Karenni rebel group) behind the scenes. The KNDF took a foothold in Kayah State, the borderline area with Thailand, where the group received military training, and tactical support and was equipped by the Free Burma Ranger – the American mercenary group. At this point, it is very crystal clear that the PDF terrorists are backed by the United States in terms of equipment and financial assistance.
On the other hand, the MNDAA and TNLA share interests with the PDFs and NUG – the American’s chess pieces – by receiving at least $200 million annually.
Even after the blockade of trade routes, and water, electricity, and internet supplies to Laukkai were cut by China side; channels were opened and could be able to run through the UWSA territory to Laukkai, according to the leaked information. In addition to this, reports stated that the MNDAA and TNLA terrorists used the Starlink internet constellation operated by Starlink Services of American aerospace company SpaceX.
More again, the UWSA’s stance is not clear because it is believed to weaponize those insurgents in Myanmar who have links with U.S.-backed entities and get U.S. funding; and worst of all, they try to infect the bilateral friendship between Myanmar and China by creating smokescreen in the conflict areas.