Monks, women, children among hundreds abducted by AA


Khit / Thant Zin (NP News) - Oct 29

Locals of Ann Township have informed The NP News that the Rakhine terrorist group Arakan Army has detained more than 100 individuals, including Buddhist novices and students, in Ann Township, Rakhine State, within the past month.

The AA terrorists have been conducting operations in Ann Township, Rakhine State, for more than three months. This has forced many local residents to flee as refugees, with some reportedly detained by the AA terrorists.

Among those detained by the Arakan Army are young Buddhist novices. Local reports indicate that on 20 October, six novices in Ann Township, along with at least four other individuals from the monastery, were being abducted.

"When the head monk Ashin Magainda went to Yangon, eight monks remained at the monastery. The AA came and took them away. They also detained laymen and laywomen involved in preparing offerings for the monks. A total of over 10 people, including six novices, were abducted. Furthermore, there have been reports of villagers being forcefully taken away," said a resident from Ann Township.

On 16 October, a Canter-type vehicle traveling between Ann Township and Padan Township was attacked by the approximately 4,000 meters northeast of Ann Township. Reports indicate that 38 individuals were abducted during the incident.

"In the 6-Mile/4-House Cluster area, the AA detonated mines on 11 vehicles carrying war refugees from Ann, and they abducted 38 able-bodied youths. The elderly, disabled, and injured individuals have already made it to safer areas. Among those abducted were also wealthy individuals from Ann. In addition, 78 people were abducted from the Mi Laung Chaung and Kyauk San Kwe areas," said the resident.

Prior to these incidents, the AA terrorists had been detaining individuals in Ann Township. Reports suggest that the AA has disseminated false information on social media, blaming the military for these detentions.

"They are posting false reports from their side, blaming the military. But this has nothing to do with the military. The abductions are real. Also, many war refugees from Mi Laung Chaung and Kyauk San Kwe areas have already arrived here. There are no people left in those areas. The refugees have told us that the AA took their children and women by force. There are now tens of thousands of war refugees in Ann, with people coming from Mae Taung Shay, Kyauk San Kwe, Mi Laung Chaung, Ywar Tha Ywar, and from the other side: Yap Tha, Kyaung Myin Gwin, Kywe Thalin, Pwè Kine, and Kyun Taw Gyi. There is no one left in those places, and they've all arrived in Ann," he added.

Among those detainees were individuals ranging from teenagers to people in their fifties. The majority were young women.

"The oldest among those abducted is over 50. Some of the young women are those who had just finished their 10th-grade exams. They seem to specifically target women more. That’s why I feel their actions are unacceptable. People in this town believe their actions are inhumane. This has been going on for quite some time. In Mi Laung Chaung village, they abducted a woman four months after she gave birth. The four-month-old baby was left behind, crying. If the baby hadn’t cried, no one would have even known she was taken. At that time, they didn’t dare tell anyone about the abduction. The young woman was around 20 years old. This incident happened about three weeks ago," he said.

The families of more than 100 detained individuals have not been able to contact their loved ones. The AA terrorist group has not released any of those abducted.

After suffering significant losses during their military assaults in Ann Township, the AA has been detaining individuals, including local residents, refugees, and monks. These actions are considered war crimes.

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