At least 6,mostly civilians, killed by MNDAA in locals’ protest against gold mining in Kutkai


Htet Nadi (NP News) - March 8
At least six – four locals and two KIA (Kachin Independence Army) members – were killed by MNDAA (Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army), the Kokang terrorist group, gunfire on March 5 the protest staged by locals against gold mining operations permitted by the MNDAA in Monsi village, Kutkai township, northern Shan State, according to local media reports.
According to local media, the MNDAA allowed gold mining without the locals' consent, which affected farmland. In response to the protests, Kokang soldiers arrived and opened fire, local reports say.
The shooting resulted in at least six deaths, including four villagers and two KIA members.
In Kutkai Township, the TNLA (Ta'ang National Liberation Army) currently controls the Kutkai urban area, while the MNDAA controls the Tamoenye and Mongsi areas.
In addition, the KIA controls the Nam Hpat Kar area in Kutkai Township. Disputes have arisen between the MNDAA and the KIA, as well as between the TNLA and the KIA, in areas adjacent to those controlled by armed groups in Kutkai Township.