Sitagu Sayadaw’s 88th birthday donation conducted in Sagaing


Htet Nadi (NP News) - March 15

On the first day of the 88th anniversary celebration of the Venerable Sitagu Sayadaw’s ordination, offerings were made to 1,000 monks and nuns. On the morning of March 11th, offerings of rice, oil, beans, medicine, and other items were donated at the Sitagu International Vipassana University, located in Sagaing Mountain range.
The monks, nuns, and practitioners who were engaged in meditation at the Vipassana center in the Sagaing Mountain range received offerings of rice, oil, beans, medicine, and other materials from government officials, department representatives from Sagaing Town, as well as donors and invited guests from both domestic and international sources.
In addition, the monks and nuns who attended the event expressed their gratitude and shared the merits of the offerings made for the 88th birthday celebration of the Sitagu Sayadaw’s ordination.
On the first day of the celebration, offerings made to 1,000 monks included 1,000 bags of rice, 2,000 bottles of oil, 1,000 bags of beans, and other items. –

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